From a toilet that won't stop running to a burst pipe or a valuable that accidentally got flushed, there are several emergencies that require the immediate assistance of a plumber. Unfortunately, if it will take several minutes for the plumber to arrive, you will have to stand by and watch as your property is severely damaged, or even destroyed. Luckily, there are several things that as a homeowner, you can do until the professional arrives.
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It seems like a clogged drain always happens when you're expecting company or cooking the family dinner. Clogs are annoying and a major disruption when you're preparing a meal or expecting guests, but they usually don't strike out of the blue. There are often signs before the day your drain stops up. Here are some things that signal drain problems and what you can do about it.
The Shower Doesn't Drain As Fast
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Drain cleaning is a smelly process. First you notice that your drain does not clear all the way. Then you notice this funky, foul odor coming from the drain. It is piles of hair, soap and skin flakes rotting in the drain. Gross, right? Then you have to hire a plumber to come clear it out. A host of new drain cleaning products may help, the most interesting of which is the "
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A sump pump is a crucial part of your home's drainage system—one that hardly ever gets any thought or attention. If you do give it a thought, it's probably only during routine home maintenance or during a big storm. But your sump pump needs a little love if you want to keep your home and belongings safe. In fact, it needs backup. Here are four reasons why you need a backup sump pump
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If you are a first-time owner of a house, after you move in there can be problems that happen and you aren't sure what to do about them. After years of calling a landlord to deal with problems, in your own home you might want to do some troubleshooting to figure out what could be the problem. If you've got electric heat and something seems to be not right about your baseboards, here are some things that may be at fault.
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